Fascinating Mountains!
There is an old saying about mountains: "To those who have struggled with them, the mountain reveals beauties that they will never forget". Indeed, it does not matter where the mountains are, they are always fascinating and aside of the aesthetic aspect, they show the power of our creator. Nahuel Huapi National Park, Hotel Llau Llau View and Pañuelo Port, Bariloche - Argentina Mountains flirting with clouds - Chapare, Cochabamba - Bolivia Although it is not the same as to be on the site, a virtual trip can show us their wonders and also we can take the chance to learn some details about them. Mountains are formed by slow movements of the earth crust. There are 5 types of mountains: 1) Folded mountains are formed when when two plates collide and their edges crumbled, much the same way as a piece of paper folds when pushed together. This is the most common type. Illimani Mountain, in its skirts is located the city of La Paz - Bolivia. It is a typical example of a ...