Flowers, a color Fair
This is the month when the Earth Day is celebrated and this celebration is aimed to increase awareness of the environment. From this blog we want to help showing the beauty of flowers that at the same time m ake a tribute to God . A s Steve Irwin, the famous Crocodile Hunter , said with respect to wildlife: "T here is no way to love something if you do not know it". And through photos we can see details that although are sometimes close to us, we do not pay much attention to them . Today, more than ever, we need to assess the nature and contribute to its preservation , and the best way is to show it . Join us for this virtual Flower Fair ! Lantana Camara also known as Spanish Flag. The color that we perceive depends on the sensitivity of the eye's cells , which is part of the visual system of each animal including humans. In fact , our brain interprets different wavelengths of visible light as a differen...