Flowers, a color Fair

This is the month when the Earth Day is celebrated and this celebration is aimed to increase awareness of the environment. From this blog we want to help showing the beauty of flowers that at the same time make a tribute to God. As Steve Irwin, the famous Crocodile Hunter, said with respect to wildlife: "There is no way to love something if you do not know it".  And through photos we can see details that although are sometimes close to us, we do not pay much attention to them. Today, more than ever, we need to assess the nature and contribute to its preservation, and the best way is to show it. Join us for this virtual Flower Fair!

Lantana Camara also known as Spanish Flag.
The color that we perceive depends on the sensitivity of the eye's cells, which is part of the visual system of each animal including humans. In fact, our brain interprets different wavelengths of visible light as a different color. Newton was the first one to show that sunlight is formed by all color bands of the visible spectrum and we can appreciate it naturally when we see a rainbow. Chromatography is the science that studies all color properties and the whole phenomenon related to it. There are other sciences that study the effect of colors on the mood of people, etc. But besides all the technical details that are very interesting, it is important to appreciate the wide range of colors that we have in nature and flowers are a big exponent of the color wonder.

Wild flowers have in general less petals but their beauty is amazing. This one here is an Oxalis articulata.
We know that flowers have a reproductive function, which is found in all plants of the division Magnoliophyta or angiosperms. The beauty of their colors and how they attract different animals for pollination is amazing. It is interesting to note that the name of the plants with the characteristic of attracting insects is entomophilous and literally means (in Greek) "loving insects". They have a relationship with insects that has been defined by science as co-evolution. When we see how it works it is impossible not to think of the divine authorship for all the beauty and perfection of this system.

A butterfly and some wild flowers.

 A perfect symbiosis between insects and plants.
Many of us, humans, use colors to reflect our mood or feelings, and flowers are an essential part of our lives. This explains why our cities are plenty of flower shops. Yes, in any event such as weddings, births, or deaths, we use them as an expression of our feelings.

Another example of wild flower.
All flowers are wonderful, but wild flowers are noteworthy for being precisely those that grow in their natural habitat without assistance from man. In Bolivia there is a fairly wide variety of this type. There is an estimated of 1865 recorded species of higher plants and 2,900 species, more likely, or 27% of all known plant species in the country. This number grows much more if one considers the entire continent.

A cactus flower in Patagonia. We can find beautiful flowers even in inhospitable places.

Portulaca Grandiflora, comúnmente llamada 11 horas, pues a esa hora se abren los botones en un día soleado.

Another wild flower in Patagonia. Undefined species.
The shape of this flower is quite unique.
Asclepias Curassavica, Nacional Park Amboró (Santa Cruz - Bolivia).

Lupinus  is a wild plant from the northwest of U.S.
Retama (Patagonia).
Cultivated tulips (Seattle, U.S.)
Tulips (family Liliaceae).
Japanese cherish blossom.
A wild plant in a tree shows the existing symbiosis between plants.

Note the same red tone in the butterfly wing and in the flower.
Sphagneticola trilobata, or Wedelia trilobata. It is not a cultivated flower, neither is perfect but it is beutiful.
Orchids  should also be present.
It is interesting to note that the color combination is always perfect in flowers.
The colors are not used only to attract insects, they also show the path they they should follow.
A simple flower with a nice color combination.
Note here the special shape like a heart.
Other flower with a singular beauty.
Wild flower with its pollinator.
Heliconia, locally named Patujú in the east part of Bolivia.
Another flower very similar to the former one.
The different shapes are amazing.
The beauty of flowers can only be found taking some time to assess it.

That is it for now. It is your turn to look at your place for these beauties that are definitely very close to you and to help preserve them.


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